The Plan

If we ever have to have a mass evacuations, emergency shelter, food and water shortage.  What is the emergency survival plan ? This must be implemented in each home and each citizens of state should be ready and aware of what is the plan. We need to be prepared and the relationships with the first responders and military offices, offerers must be introduced to the public we should know who they are personal. I personally do not know one military personal or current officer who is responsible to protect the Kaneohe, Waiahole, Punaluu, Hauula area or the island of Oahu in the event of tourism.

A registry of citizens for each state and county must be in record on hand and accessible to the public the resident for the government officials and leaders that will be responsible and accountable-to know who is present by the thousands in each home and each institution of learning, business.

What level of support do you feel is appropriate for the US and / or Western European countries to offer Syrian refugees?

The minimum level of support is needed.

What support is needed are we talking about resources such as water, food and shelter?

I don’t know enough about Western European countries, but I would think it would be an equal equivalent amount of funds and resources from both the US and the other are there countries.

The situation would depend on helping refugees once they reach our country and security process. Then start humanitarian efforts that support them in housing jobs food water and so on…

The US was authorized for 30,000 refugees to enter in year 2019 and we have 8 months yet to see a success story.

What support are we doing now and how are we helping in the U.S to the 30,000 refugees that are in the U.S now?

Many U.S. citizens avoid paying attention to such devastating news broadcast over the news or radio without really taken into account the details.

For the year 2019 the United States has approved 30,000 refugees to enter the US.

I found this webpage this company is a humanitarian organization that is helping families and individuals that are seeking Asylum to America. Once refugees go through the process of clearance, they help reunite them with their families here in the United States. The organization helps give them food, medication, medical treatment, clothing, hygiene supplies and pro bono lawyer assistance, plan this is the first website that I saw that I really understood and I was happy to see that there was some type of solution and not always chaos and destruction for these individuals and families of the refugee crisis. You will see that there are success stories log on to this site.

IRC Intl Rescue Comm‏Verified account @theIRCFollowFollow @theIRCMore

The Administration has said it intends to admit *no more* than 30,000 refugees to the US next year. This is a major blow to refugees around the world & the US’ history of welcome. Take action. Tell Congress that the proposed refugee ceiling is far too low: 

I can see that the numbers since 1980 has decreased of allowing refugees into the states but is this a controllable number to monitor and process?

I think that this number can be a workable number until the U.S. can have true success stories for each individual the 30,000 and that we know that they are emerged into the u.s. society where they are safe and contributing to society.

This number is a good number for right now, my question is can it be reduced if we don’t see the success?

I kept seeking out what is the numbers of refugees that we as United States.

Now that I see the numbers and a graph like this it makes me change my ideas and my reaction as a U.S. citizen so my thoughts for the U.s. and the the state of Hawaii is to continue to keep seeking information and keep a watch on the number of refugees that enter into the u.s. get get involved with local charities and Committees of the government legislations of our states in which we live. have a little conversation with your family members in your friends would you’ll be surprised they have no idea about this subject. and if they have an opinion the first thing is no we don’t want nothing here because we have our own homeless problems.but when you look into the details you see that these refugees are people who actually paid for their way that they are business owners and that they are educated people and that they actually come from some type of substance of money and this is why they were able to succeed in their relocation and their travels to get to a place and point of asylum.

questions come to my mind such as how long is there Asylum here in the United States are they going to be here until there’s time for safety from where they came from. 30000 people each year is a lot of people. if you multiply that by ten that’s 300,000 people in 10 years.

citizens avoid paying attention to such devastating news broadcast over the news .

Women With Children First

Women With Children First

I believe that women and children should have first priority towards needing help. This is because women need to take care of children and to also care for the children that travel  alone. Not only are the refugee children traveling alone but they are also left alone in camps. In these camps ,the children are not getting enough support they need as keiki. What happens to them when they get sent back to Syria and if their government will be willing to help them and support them. I feel refugees have to relocate because of the war.

Comments and response to reading the mother blog by classmates English 100

I have to say that I appreciate each and every one of the classmates blogs, comments and reflections of what they are learning,it helps me to have a different point of view and to research more on topics that have been discussed in class.

The recent post from Jayna 44 I like her style of writing, she gives a personal perspective and she is honest about her thoughts, it’s very connective and thoughtful writing to the subject of refugee children with details of the facts that they’re experiencing mental health, physically conditions,traumatic experiences and by seeing their parents killed from acts of violence. She shares her valid opinions that make sense and is relatable.

I recognize and connect to her voice and her compassion and emotion in her writings.

“They have lost the special feeling of just simply being a kid, and living a “normal” child life. It is hard to read and learn about the tragic truths and stories of these Syrian refugee children.” short sweet and to the point.

Further, I enjoyed Nokeakuahawaiiedu . I like what he wrote. I also connect to what he is researching. I am also interested in the children. I agree with his opinion of not turning a blind eye but to pay attention and to be aware of it, so that we can help. This is important for us to know and to to read about ” I want my paper to appeal to people and open their eyes about what the children are going through so more people would want to help.”( Nokeakuahawaiiedu) I also look forward to reading his paper and when I see statements like this it makes me want to be aware of the refugee children and their need and it makes me want to help.


What challenges do you know (or predict) Syrian refugees must experience and overcome before they come close to reaching Europe?

March 25 2019


Up to page 35

Syrian refugees experience many challenges before reaching Europe. Many of these challenges include the Baltagiya gangs. These gangs deal with protection of money, deal drugs, run prostitution rings and mafia trades. The syrians are also at risk of being killed because the Egyptians carry weapons under their clothing. Another challenge that they go through is being blackmailed for money and being kidnapped. “These men, who wanted to finally be free, have never been less free than now,” (Bauer 32). This quote illustrates how the Syrians tried to be free in Europe and got kidnapped throughout the process. Another challenge the Syrians have to go through is hiding their identity. The biggest challenge of all was the living environment that they were kidnapped and confined in. The place was filthy, the toilet had no water, and the rooms were cluttered.

I predict that this group will continue to face many obstacles until they reach a safe harbor.


  • Inflation $3000-$3500
  • Robbed
  • Arrested
  • Smugglers
Image result for syria to europe
Image result for syria to turkey

Thinking about our paper that is due soon, paper 3

Crossing the Sea:

I have my suspicions that there is an “unknown method” on how undocumented people have been crossing the sea and entering into Hawaii Nei. Why do I say this? Because there is just too many people that I don’t even recognize. I don’t even know their Ohana name, I can’t identify their car, and I do not recognize the people in my community.

I grew up in the valley and we knew who was coming in and who was going out. Now, we don’t know who’s coming in, who is visiting, who’s moving in, or who’s moving out. They don’t look like they are from my Ahupua’a or even from the island. These are strangers in my town, and the thing is they don’t even know they’re strangers, they think we’re the strangers. This affects the Native Hawaiians and the people of Hawaii in all aspects of life.

If there are refugees and people who are undocumented entering into Hawaii it affects the United States. This not only affects the people but it also affects the traffic, housing, native animals, food, and health. These refugees take in all benefits such as health and state benefits which should belong to the people of Hawaii. I believe it is important to be aware of what is going on in other places because as people migrate to Hawaii, it is hard to retain land and these people are making it very hard to survive here. We need to take control over our land, and the people of Hawaii have to know what’s going on in the world so we can be aware of it and we can prevent more economic hardships here in Hawaii.

Reading this book, the first chapter is like wow. I never really thought about it that way.

“Crossing the sea with Syrians on The Exodus to Europe” I can’t imagine leaving my home getting on a boat with very little provisions and becoming refugees on a journey to Europe, Japan or wherever else the sea may take us. I know that my ancestors landed here and that this is where we belong and that forever we have a home. When I read a book like this I think, could this happen? I think what would I need? If it was happening what kind of protections would I need. It makes me grateful and thankful that we do have the US protecting us and that we do have protection from the United States laws and Military, it’s a reality check.

Don’t get me wrong, I want to take care of all of the refugees. I want to make sure that they’re all taken care of, they all are well fed, and that they’re safe and that they have fairness. But I can’t help it, I want them to have that in their own country. If they come here and they arrive on our shores, of course without a doubt, I would warm them, feed them and help them, but not to the point where my ohana and I will be pushed out of our home and kicked out to the curb. Only for them to become the rulers, residents, farmers and landlords . We as the kind-hearted and loving people who accepted them on their arrival now are being taken over and become without. Sorry that is not the plan and that is not aloha. so yes we need to know what is going on in parts of the world and why it is happening. so that we can learn from that and that we can have a solution for it and that we can apply it to protect ourselves.

Image result for immigrants